Operational period: April - November
The floating hotel GG Gociman within the Danube Delta Resort is located in teh heart of the Danube Delta on a ship which offers the comfort of a luxury hotel, but where you will not be under the pressure of the walls or be bothered by anyone - a floating hotel where you will feel free. What can be more beautiful than seeping, eating or have fun everywhere you choose in the Danube Delta?!
This 4 stars hotel is built in 2006. It features 9 soundproofed and fully equipped rooms with private bathrooms, heating, air conditioning, hot water, towels and good quality cosmetics.
You can acces this property only by boat for an extra fee. If you arrive by car at Tulcea, you can leave it in a guarded parking for an extra fee.
The hotel features:
GG Gociman is the only floating hotel which has its own drainage facility.
This hotel is a unique accommodation place where you get to witness the show and exotic places of the Delta and admire its flora and fauna up close.
You can hire a boat with a driver only for you and visit the virgin places of the Delta, take part in a romantic trip at sunset or go fishing.
Only at this hotel you can do whatever you want, whenever you want - you can fish aboard, or sunbathe on the upper terrace, in the morning you can admire the fishermen when they throw the fishing nets.
You can hire a boat with a driver only for you to visit the virgin places of the Danube Delta, to make a romantic trip at sunset or just go fishing.
On the way to this location, we recommend you to visit the Danube Delta Ecotourism Museum Center (the largest aquarium in Romania), where you can admire approx. 50 species of fishes that live in 27 pools. This is close to the waterfront of Tulcea and along with other 2 museums, the muslim mosque and other heritage buildings close to it form the cultural center of the city.
On your way to Tulcea, you can visit the monasteries of Northern Dobrogea such as Celic Dere, Saon and Cocos monasteries.
Also we recommend you to visit the Alcovin - Vinuri de Macin wine cellar, where you can even taste the wine.
Why choosing the GG Gociman floating hotel?
The tourists appreciated this location for:
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1. Asigurarea împotriva riscului de epidemie sau stare de urgență (se aplică inclusiv pentru situațiile create de prezența Corona virus, Covid-19)
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până la data comunicată pe fiecare tip de cameră în parte este declarată epidemie sau stare de urgență în destinația ta de vacanță, iar aceasta împiedică desfășurarea sejurului în deplină siguranță punându-ți în pericol sănătatea.
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